
7 Reasons Why Social Media is Important for B2B Companies

If you work for a B2B company – or even own one – B2B Social Media is important in your B2B digital strategy.

Everyone is using social media these days. If you read this article, you probably do. Your friends, your family, your colleagues do too. Not to mention your competitors. Social Media has changed the way we access information, the way we share data, and is having an increasing influence on us as individuals and as employees as well. That’s a fact.

While it’s clear how B2C companies – big or small – can use Social Media to grow their business reaching millions of consumers every day, it’s not that obvious for B2B marketers. B2B is not about selling services or products to end-consumers, going online with a compelling message could be a real challenge… So why bother?

Here is why.

SEO / Link Building

Links published on your social accounts can improve your website’s search engine rankings and increase its targeted traffic as both Google and Bing algorithms incorporate social signals into their search results.

On top of that, social media profiles rank in search engines too. So your brand will have a better chance to show up to potential clients and peers on Google.

And last but not least, social media channels are search engines too! People also use social media channels to find what they’re looking for online, and not having a presence on Facebook or LinkedIn could be a huge missed opportunity in your B2B digital strategy.

Lead Generation

Social Media is one of the best ways to connect and engage with potential clients, with your peers, and craft lasting relationships. Think about it: more than half (53%) of B2B buyers report turning to social media to make buying decisions. And LinkedIn is not the only network for B2B connections. Depending on the nature of your B2B business, Twitter or even Facebook could also be the right fit for you. Be where your audience is.

Event Amplification

Tradeshows are key for B2B marketers. But what happens at a tradeshow doesn’t have to stay at the tradeshow! Most events are using their own custom Social Media hashtag to amplify their impact beyond the walls of the physical venue, sometimes reaching audiences all around the world. Take a look at the Consumer Electronics Show, the biggest tech show on the planet taking place every January in Las Vegas, NV. During its 2018 edition, #CES2018 and @CES were mentioned more than a million times on social media! This is an open invitation for your B2B company to be part of a very targeted online conversation and amplify your influence!

Brand Awareness

Exposure. Awareness. Your brand needs to be seen to be recognized. Your ability to communicate using social media is essential to the long term success of your B2B business. Because your clients / prospects’ perception is what really determine the value of your brand in the marketplace.

Attract New Talents

Most people look online for a company before applying for a job. Just like HR people are looking online for candidates. What do you want them to find about your B2B business? All the passive corporate messages on your website; or exciting fresh news about your business, your people, and the possibility to engage live with your company. B2B social media is important as it will allow you to connect with your future talents, engage in meaningful conversations, and even greatly reduce recruitment costs!

Thought Leadership

Knowledge is power. And as a leader in your field, you know way more about your B2B business than most people do – and even sometimes more than competitors. Using social media to prove your expertise will make you stand out from the competition, and may convince potential clients to ignite the conversation and work with you.

Connect with Employees

Your employees could be your best ambassadors. At family dinners, after works with friends, networking events, they speak about their job and the organization they are working for. Having a B2B social media presence would give them the opportunity to talk online about your business, leverage the two hours they spend on social media every day and make them proud(er) of what they do.

Depuis 2018, Royal Cheese a guidé plus d’une centaine d’entreprises dans leur développement sur le marché américain. Nous comprenons les nuances du marché américain et savons comment positionner votre marque pour maximiser son impact auprès de votre audience cible. Pour celà, nous fournissons un soutien sur mesure adapté à vos besoins spécifiques.

Choisir Royal Cheese, c’est s’assurer d’une approche personnalisée et d’une stratégie bien rodée, fruit de 25 années d’expérience. Nous avons une compréhension approfondie des enjeux spécifiques aux entreprises françaises se lançant aux États-Unis. Ensemble, nous travaillons à définir et à affiner votre message, à cibler efficacement votre marché et à naviguer les complexités culturelles et commerciales de ce nouveau territoire. Notre mission est de faire de votre expansion aux États-Unis non seulement un succès, mais aussi un vecteur de croissance durable pour votre entreprise.

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