
You Can Now Schedule Single Image Posts on Instagram

Putting together social media calendars is a very time consuming process. So being able to schedule in advance posts through a social media management tool (such as Hootsuite, Buffer or Social Studio) is critical to be organized.

Scheduling content on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn has always been available. However, Instagram was as struggle as content could only be posted natively through the app (on a phone or a tablet). Some third-party apps found a workaround to make the transfer of content (image & copy) a bit easier from your computer to your phone using notifications, but the posting experience was really clunky. Until now.

Early 2018, Instagram updated its API to help businesses manage their presence on the social network more effectively. This update includes the possibility to schedule photo posts. What does it mean to your business?

More flexibility and security

More flexibility because you can now prepare your images + copy in advance and optimize the posting time by scheduling everything in advance. No need to touch the Instagram app again.

More security because you can give the management of your Instagram properties to an agency or a freelance with no need to share your login/password with them. Just share the access to your social media management tool, and they will take care of the rest.

But things are not ideal yet

A, because this new Instagram Content Publishing API is currently available in closed beta to some of their partners like Hootsuite. All social media management tools out there – including yours – don’t necessarily have this new functionality deployed yet. Be patient, it will eventually.

B, this update only allows automated publishing of single images, which means that for all other formats (videos & slideshows), you still need to publish manually through the Instagram app.

Managing Instagram content is still – but less – laborious, but the social network just did a first step in the right direction. Hopefully, a new API update will be released soon to end the struggle.

Learn more on Instagram.com: https://business.instagram.com/blog/instagram-api-features-updates/

Depuis 2018, Royal Cheese a guidé plus d’une centaine d’entreprises dans leur développement sur le marché américain. Nous comprenons les nuances du marché américain et savons comment positionner votre marque pour maximiser son impact auprès de votre audience cible. Pour celà, nous fournissons un soutien sur mesure adapté à vos besoins spécifiques.

Choisir Royal Cheese, c’est s’assurer d’une approche personnalisée et d’une stratégie bien rodée, fruit de 25 années d’expérience. Nous avons une compréhension approfondie des enjeux spécifiques aux entreprises françaises se lançant aux États-Unis. Ensemble, nous travaillons à définir et à affiner votre message, à cibler efficacement votre marché et à naviguer les complexités culturelles et commerciales de ce nouveau territoire. Notre mission est de faire de votre expansion aux États-Unis non seulement un succès, mais aussi un vecteur de croissance durable pour votre entreprise.

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